DATE: November 09, 2023 1:30 AM Why is it difficult for me to remember everything He taught me? Sometimes, I'm thinking... Am I bad if I wish I wasn't born here in the world? I feel guilty... and I can't stop overthinking what will happen next. Perhaps I'm wishing not to be born because of the upcoming judgment that I need to face after I die and get my glorified body. I feel bad for continuing to stumble... The spirit of lust isn't too easy to fight with, but I know I don't have the strength to fight it alone because I need God's help to make them stop... but sometimes I'm thinking... Maybe it's not these spirits fault, but I'm fighting with my own flesh.. I realized that I always said these spirits were the reason why I got to stumble and drown in the mud. At first, they did... yes, I'm sure.. but what about next? I don't think so. We, Christians, always thought they were the only reason to swim in the midst of sin... No, they are not ...
Analia Faith
Welcome to my website! This website is for my walked with the Lord Jesus Christ, and some highlights of my stories.